December 6, 2009

7 Revolutions That Will Change the Face of the World!

This semester I am currently in a course that is covers the future of the world. Futurists predict that there are 7 major revolutions that will change the face of our planet as we know it. These are
1. Population
2. Resource Management
3. Technology
4. Information
5. Economic Integration
6. Conflict
7. Governance

For more on these revolutions specificially check out CSIS website.

From this class I take away a lot of information not only about how each of these revolutions will impact the westernized world, but also the world of the developing nations and those in the midst of poverty. I have come to the conclusion that with the "flattening" of our world and a level playing ground for people of all nations in our midst, if we choose not to take action today against poverty we might be in a dangerous place for the future.

I have already used a lot of the resources from this class to create this blog and have posted some videos that I found through the class and enjoyed. Here are a few more to let you make your own decision about what needs to be done for the poorest of poor among us.

Hans Rosling: "New Insights On Poverty"

Paul Collier on the "Bottom Billion"

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